Thursday, November 15, 2018

Annotated Bibliography and Timeline

The research capstone project my group is proposing is a way to determine the best way to collect forest inventory data. We are comparing unmanned flight using UAV'S and manned aircraft using the same sensors at different altitudes. My job on this team is planning out both the unmanned and manned flights. I must decided proper flight paths, and most importantly the altitude of the flights. The annotated bibliography should be used to help me decided on specific altitudes and flight paths, and other specifics I might not be familiar with when its comes to forestry data. The time line being made its to hold me to moving forward and making progresses weekly. Without a timeline it is easy to let things slide and to not make forward process.

Annotated Bibliography:

Manfreda, S., M. E. McCabe, P. E. Miller, R. Lucas, V. P. Madrigal, G. Mallinis, E. Dor, D. Helman, L. Estes, G. Ciraolo, J. Mullerova, F. Tauro, M. I. de Lima, Jlmp del Lima, A. Maltese, F. Frances, K. Caylor, M. Kohv, M. Perks, G. Ruiz-Perez, Z. Su, G. Vico, and B. Toth. 2018. "On the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems for Environmental Monitoring." Remote Sensing 10 (4). doi: 10.3390/rs10040641.
This article is about
This article is mostly about reviewing environmental monitoring including soil properties, vegetation and greens conditions, and other environmental characteristics. This is a great paper for starting research for our forestry project. It fits well with what we aim to do and helps with data we will want to look at. 

Los Alamos National Laboratory., United States. Dept. of Energy., and United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information. Uav Sensor and Survivability Issues. 1996.Web <>.
This article is about issues and survivability in sensors. This is important because we should always look at issues to try to avoid them preemptively. Reading this article will help with some of the preemptive precautions that we should focus on the keep safety a main focus of our project. 

Merlin, Peter W., and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. History Office. Ikhana Unmanned Aircraft System
Western States Fire Missions. 2009. Monographs in aerospace history 44.Web <>.
This article is has to do with unmanned aircraft and fire missions. Although fire has nothing to do with my project, this article uses unmanned aircraft for these missions. I assume that these fire missions happen in forest areas so there is some overlap to my project. I am looking at altitudes and flight plans for these missions in the article to see why they chose these details for the flights. 

Sadraey, Mohammad H. Unmanned Aircraft Design : A Review of Fundamentals. Synthesis Lectures on Mechanical Engineering,. 
This article is about fundamentals of unmanned aircraft design. It could help with deciding on what type of drone to use to fly this mission. Reviewing fundamentals is always important when it comes to planning projects like this one. 

Stellingwerf, Donald A., and Yousif A. Hussin. Measurements and Estimations of Forest Stand Parameters Using Remote Sensing. Utrecht: VSP, 1997. 
This article focuses the details of using remote sensing for forestry. This article can give me great insight on what sensors we should use. This also has good information on altitude and mission planning. This article is directly related to the project and will be one of my main sources for the upcoming project. 

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Development of a Special Aircraft for Agricultural Purposes. 1949. S rp 1135.Web <>.
This article focuses on development of drones for use of agricultural purposes. This goes along perfectly with my project because forestry and agricultural purposes go hand in hand. This article could give really great insight on what type of aircraft we should use for the unmanned section of this project and why. The pros are that the insight could be really helpful in my planning for this mission. 

Valavanis, Kimon P., and George J. Vachtsevanos. Handbook of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.Web.
This article is just the normal handbook of unmanned aerial vehicles. This article is just to review and stay sharp on the basics of unmanned aerial systems. It covers drone designs, ethics, and logistics. Pros about this article are that it includes all things drones and it is good to go back to the basics when doing projects like this. Cons are that it isn't too specific to the project we are working on. Again it's always good to to go back to basics and review to make sure all areas are covered for a project as complex as this. 

Singh, K. K., and A. E. Frazier. 2018. "A meta-analysis and review of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) imagery for terrestrial applications." International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (15-16):5078-5098. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2017.1420941.

Grunn, Emanuel, and Anh Tuá̂n Phạm. Modeling of Complex Systems : Application to Aeronautical Dynamics. Automation-Control and Industrial Engineering Series. 

Gundlach, Jay, and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Civil and Commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Aiaa Education Series.

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