Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Week 5 and 6 Capstone Project Update

Week 5 and 6 Capstone Project Update

Our group has done a much better job being productive through the terrible weather we have been having. We have come up with 3 more class logos we will use for our documents and presentations. Our head author Krysta collected more sources for our paper, and worked on the outline as well. We did a class activity led by Kyle, our operations manager. We wanted to do a hypothetical dry run of a mission to see if we could think of all the factors and problems that could arise. As a class we went through this activity and took notes on Google Docs so that we could look back later and be prepared for real missions (Figure 12).

 We went into as much detail as possible, discussing what we wanted to mission to be about, what type of sensor and drone we would use for this mission, who would be flying, when we would be flying, and where the mission would take place according to our shape files. I think that the class prospered from a dry run mission like this because sometimes we don't think about important aspects of a mission until the day of the mission, which means we are not properly prepared for what we need to do.
Dylan, our GPS specialist has been finishing up the EMLID Reach survey checklist which we will need before flights. We have continued to do work on getting the M600 ready for flight, integrating payloads and preparing other aspects of the drone as well. The parachute team has been contently practicing their packs for the chute, perfecting the art. I believe they will be making a tutorial video soon with their knowledge they have gained in the past few weeks.
Because of the weather, we wanted to start work on our display case that I mentioned in last weeks update. But, we have been presented with another  opportunity which the class is excited to participate in. We have been invited to submit posters about our capstone project for a SATT Student Poster Symposium on Friday, 4/26/19. As a class we are planning on submitting 3 to 4 posters. I will be working with the operations manager Kyle, to make a poster on Crew Resource Management, and a comparison of applications used for UAS, specifically Drone Log Book and Measure. We have been taking notes and preparing information for what we want on our poster, which we are planning on working on in class next week (Figure 13).

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