More work has been done on the CRM in UAS Applications poster. Research was done comparing the mobile applications made by Measure and Drone Log Book. Measures mobile application appeared superior to Drone Log Books, because of it's capability to plan flights and fly them in the app.
(Figure 18: Measure mobile app home page.)
As you can see from the home page above, the mobile application has the capability to check surrounding airspace, plan flight missions, and then fly these missions as well. All of the flight data will then be automatically connected to their website and saved there for later review.
(Figure 19: Drone Log Book mobile app home page options.)
Drone Log Book's mobile app is also great for reviewing flights and other information such as your equipment, maintenance, and incident reports, but does not have a built in flight planning and flying application of its own.
(Figure 20: Measure mobile rules and advisories section)
(Figure 21: Measure mobile airspace map used for planning flights.)
The in app flight map helps users visualize where the flight is taking place, and assure that there are no advisories in the area. The interface for Measures mobile app was easy to learn and worked well on my mobile device.
(Figure 22: Measure mobile app flight planning)
(Figure 23: Measure mobile app flight mode.)
Measure's Grid Flight was easy to learn and was easy to plan out a flight with. There were many options for adjusting the flight to fit the needs of the user such as adjustable flight path shape, speed settings, cross hatch settings, and others. After planning the flight, using the flight mode was simple and effective. I didn't fly a real mission (the weather has been terrible) but I was still able to look at the options I had if I was going to use the Measure mobile app to fly.
Drone Log Book has useful information on the mobile app, basically everything you can find on their website, but is lacking the capability to plan and fly a mission using their application. In order to fly missions you need another application to plan and fly, and then transfer the date to Drone Log Book. Measure on the other hand, can do the entire process all the way through from start to finish, planning, flying, and storing data all in one application.
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